Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year (2011)

One of my new years resolutions is I want to improve my communication with God. I feel like I did a good job of opening up the lines of communication with God in 2010, but now I want, even more than ever, to develop intimacy with God. I want to live as though he is sitting on my shoulder at all times.

One way I'm going to do this is, starting Wednesday, begin a book study with a couple of friends. We are going to study "Walking with God" by John Eldredge. I participated in a men's small group last winter and this proved to be very beneficial for me. It was something I looked forward to each of the 12 weeks we gathered together. I'm excited for what God has in store for me in 2011.

It's a new year so let's get started with my first post of 2011.

I read this week in Hebrews chapter 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see". Our faith in God may appear, on the surface, to be a blind faith. But, I'm convinced blind faith in God is a better way of living for everyone.

Before getting sober I had a soul-sickness. I may have been doing all the right things on the surface of life, but deep down in my soul I was sick and crying out for help. I just did not know how to ask for help. Hopefully all of this darkness is in the past and in the new year I'm going to make each day a preparation for better things to come. I'm not going to dwell on the past or the future. I'm only going to concentrate on the present and doing the next right thing.

I'm excited about the new year and what God has in store for me. I pray that God will guide me one day at a time. I pray God will supply me with the wisdom and strength I need to learn how to improve my daily walk with Him.

I not only want to keep it in the fairway, but I want to soar with the eagles!!!

Let's all aim higher in 2011.

Keep it in the fairway,

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