Monday, December 19, 2011

I have seen much of Christmas yet

I know it is very hard sometimes to slow down and allow the spirit of Christmas to enter into our busy lives. It's sad, but true. Yesterday I watched a youth soccer game where one team demoralized the same team two weeks in a row, at work today I had an upset client that could not get $1,500 out of the ATM over the weekend, next I received an email from a usher at church that was "shocked" to see their name listed to serve on Sunday (even though the 2011 schedule was emailed to all in February and ushers serve one month at a time), tonight I saw a lady at dinner, celebrating her 74th birthday share she is trying to catch up on all of the beer she did not drink the first 30 years of her life in front of her two teenage grandsons and then I saw a very grumpy man run a lady off of her table while she waited for the server to bring her the bill.

All of these are minor examples of individuals who should have so much to be grateful for. Grateful to be a good soccer team and recognize when they have superior talent, grateful to have $1,500 in their checking account, grateful to be able to serve at church, grateful to have lived a full life and grateful to be able to have dinner with their family. But yet, gratitude seems to be the last thing on their minds this Christmas.

I'm grateful my daughter enjoys soccer, that we have money in our account, that I get to serve others, that I recently celebrated a birthday sober and that I do not sweat the small things in life anymore.

These are all things I get to be apart of and get to share with my family and friends. So my hope is I will see Christmas tomorrow and be able to enjoy the spirit of Christmas for the rest of my life.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Keep it in the fairway!

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