Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14, 2010


In staying with the same theme, focusing on the target, I was thinking about thoroughbreds and how they run with blinders.

Blinders are small shields that prevent the horse from seeing to their left or right. They force the horse to look straight ahead in order to run straight. That way, they will not be distracted from their primary purpose-to win the race.

I wish I had kept my blinders on and used them to remain focused as I was maturing through adolescents and adulthood, rather than getting off-track and into the woods.

Today blinders keep me a little more focused. I understand my purpose in life should be to serve God and others. Even though I know this, I still must be reminded, several times a day, to stay focused on the prize.

“A discerning man keeps wisdom in his view, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth.” (Proverbs 17:24)Ever find yourself pulled in a dozen different directions, spending lots of time and energy on things you don't really care about?

I recall an author saying: (paraphrasing) 'Ours is a world where people don't know what they want, but are willing to go through hell to get it.' Man is this true …. For some of us we spent half our life looking for what “it is” that we wanted and we never stopped to look and see that “everything we ever wanted was right in front of us”.

I’m blessed today that everything I ever wanted is right in front of my eyes and I have the proper blinders on to help me maintain my focus. Just knowing what the target is and staying focused on it, helps me to become a little better today than I was yesterday. I like to think of it is as progress, not perfection.

If we trust God and aim high, we move to a higher level.
Keep it in the fairway.


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