Sunday, February 28, 2010


By definition envy is discontent and ill will over another's advantages, possessions, etc. A desire for something that another has. Similiar words include: jealously, grudge, prejudice, covet, resentful.

My experience is that when I sit down to perform a daily personal examination and become real honest with myself, I recognize small examples of where I practice ENVY daily. As long as this is isolated to small stuff, like nice sweater, then I'm okay. But, if I get too far into dwelling on what others have then I must do some work on me and more importantly take a closer look at my current spiritual condition.

I have at different stages in my life allowed jealously and envy to grow into a spiritual disease that lead me away from God and into the "woods". You might even say I played half my life from the "woods". Now that I'm back in the fairway, I have come to learn that a life which includes envy, jealousy or resentments only lead to a life of unhappiness.

This is a fatal way to live for anyone. Living with envy in my heart will shut me off from God's spirit. If I'm going to live with God in my life there is absolutely no room for ENVY!

Envy is like a bad swing thought. We need to keep bad swing thoughts out of our mind.

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