Saturday, July 10, 2010

Emotional Transformations

I Corinthians 13 is a popular reading at weddings. We all recognize it beginning with verser 4 "Love is patient, love is kind, etc.". This morning, what caught my attention was a little further down in Verse 11. This scripture the tells me "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me".

Unfortunately for me and those around me that I love, I did not wake up one morning at say 21 or 22 years of age and announce to the world I had entered into manhood. This emotional and psychological change for me did not occur until I was like 40 years old. In many ways, up until I got sober, I was a walking around in a man's body with the mind of an 18 year old.

Today, because I have put childish ways behind me and rely on a faith in God to guide me, I can say with confidence that I do not regret my past nor do I want to close the door on it. Hopefully I can use it to share my experience, strength and hope with others. If I can over come my self-fish, self-centered nature then so can you.

Keep it in the fairway.


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