Friday, July 16, 2010

Wear "LIFE" as a loose garment

I have now turned what once was an occassional habit for 30 years into a daily routine. I spend a few minutes each morning reading from different sources of material, do some brief meditating on what I have read and then I journal. This is an example of a "journal entry", today's actually. The funny thing is it always seems to either relate directly to something that is presently going on in my life or someone close to me. Today is no different.

Friday, July 16, 2010 6:45AM

My readings this morning reminded me that because I do have faith in God, that no matter what storm might present itself in my life today, thatI can wear the World and my problems as if they were lose garments. By doing this I'm telling the World that I'm really not going to let these things bother me. This is not to brag and say my life and my emotions are free of issues, anxiety, fear and anger (I temporarily seem to experience one or all of these emotions every 24 hours). The difference for me today is that when these "issues" or "emotions" creep into my mind I try to briefly stop, pause and pray and remind myself that I have a relationship with God- who is my higher power - and that he is my "rock".

God's grace has given me a 1,000 second chances. So, today when change, anxiety, fear, anger or depression creep into my world I quickly remind myself how grateful I'am to be here, alive and in good health. I also remind myself to hold on tight to that relationship with God as if it were a life preserver. On the other side of any storm I might face today, if I keep my faith in Him, will be something greater than I ever imagined. Because of Him I can face any storm, wear it as if it were a loose fitting garment and trust that on the other side is going to be something greater than I ever imagined!

Keep it in the fairway.


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