Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pass It On

This week has been extremely challenging in many ways. Some ways I can not mention here, but let's suffice to say if every week of my life was as challenging as the last 5 days I'm not sure I would be very spiritual. There were a few "a ha" moments this week that I recorded and I experienced one this morning I would like to share.

This "a ha" moment is a little self-promotion, but I do think the message is a good one. This morning, Saturday, I went for a jog and was having some mental warfare with myself so while jogging I played the "gratitude" game. This is where you alphabetically come up with some things you are grateful for. I made it to about letter "O" before my mind wandered off somewhere else. The coolest thing about this game is it makes me stop thinking about myself and alters my thoughts on others.

Upon returning from my jog Candice said the girls want Krispie Kreme. So, I ran down to the store and while in the drive thru one my old boss' pulled up behind me. I said good morning. Once ready to pay I offered to pay for their breakfast. The attendant asked if I knew them and I said yes. Before I pulled away I said when they pull up please tell them to "Pass It On" and do something nice for someone else today.

Again, I know this is a little self promotion and I wish I could say I thought like this all the time, but I don't. BUT - I can tell you that my entire outlook on the day changed on my ride home. So, hopefully between "a ha" moments and "passing it on" I may be able to increase my spiritual sweet spot.

Keep it in the fairway.


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