Sunday, August 29, 2010

Spiritual "sweet spots'

I was watching golf on t v and heard one of the announcers say "notice where he made contact with the ball, with his driver, that my friends is on the sweet spot". Golf clubs have sweet spots, baseball bats have sweet spots and I know I have a sweet tooth that works over time.

But, do we have a spiritual sweet spot? Is there a place where we can always go and feel like we are more spiritual or closer to God? Some of the most common answers might be when we are outdoors enjoying nature, on a jog or a walk, or when we are in church.

For me when I think about my spiritual sweet spot, several places come to mind. The first place that comes to mind is my back porch, early in the morning, after a jog when I have my quiet time. I also experience moments of peace and serenity when on a golf course. I rarely get upset with my golf game and take it one shot at a time and try to always remember that if I'm on a golf course life is not so bad. And then there are those random, everyday moments when I sometimes find myself overwhelmed with emotions and have to take a few seconds to thank God, for being God. I did this once this summer, we were at a little league championship game and I got all caught up in the moment and my heart just became overwhelmed with gratefulness. I had to fight off tears of joy just watching all the coaches, players, parents, friends and family getting into the game. Don't know where that came from but I really enjoyed that moment.

I guess what I'm trying to share is that any place, any where, any time we can turn any moment into a moment of spiritual gratitude. We do not have to say anything out loud. We can just, in our silence, thank God for being God and giving us the opportunity to enjoy that moment.

I'd like to wrap this up by challenging us all to find that one "a ha" moment every day for the next 30 days and keep a log of what your "a ha" moment was that day. Who knows you may find your spiritual "sweet spot" will grow bigger.

Keep it in the fairway,


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