Saturday, January 8, 2011

Walking with God

Rarely do we slow down and walk (at a slow pace) anywhere in any aspect of our life today. This morning has begun at unintentional slow pace. Apparently last night I set alarm #1 instead of the weekend alarm #2. So at 6:00 AM this morning I laid in bed a few minutes and thought about my situation. I could go back to sleep. Then I laid in silence for a few minutes and this urge came over me to get up and take advantage of an hour or so of quiet time. Because once we leave the house this morning around 9:30 the rest of this day is packed with activities.

So, I did and of course it has proven to be a great hour or so. A beautiful blanket of snow has joined us over night (maybe 3 inches). I also read some great literature and in reflecting on this week this theme of "walking with God" has been in the fore front of my mind.

Primarily because a couple of friends and I began the study of "Walking with God" by John Elderege this week. In the first session John beautifully describes that our goal in life must be intimacy with God. In John I, chapter 1:7 John says "But if we walk in the light, as He is the light, we have fellowship with one another".

I have probably read this verse a 100 times and it was not until this week that it hit me square between the eyes, John is talking about a walk with God. Like a friend. That is so cool!!! I don't think I have ever looked at this relationship between God and I and thought we can actually be friends. I seem to have always had a distorted view of this relationship like God is the shepherd or this punishing God that makes you go through all of this pain and then after you have been beat down- he says comes to me and if you will pick up your pants and ask for forgiveness I will make things better. I know this is not a very theological theory. But, in many ways I think we all could lessen the emphasis on theology and bring the scriptures to life in 2011. Make them relative to today.

This week I was sharing with another friend that for the first time in my life I feel like God is walking next to me instead of a 100 yards or a mile behind me. Of course I had to be the one to ask him to join me, but the key is he was always there I just might not have realized it.

I'm beginning to see and feel his presence in my life everywhere. Examples of this are as small as a text from my wife saying "Hi, I love you", hearing a bell ring and thinking of Clarence in It' a Wonderful life, when the voicemails and emails are piling up and I'm just about to lose my serenity (by 9:00 AM at work) and in walks a friend who was in the neighborhood and wanted to say Hi.

I know I know ..... coincidental. Well I now believe everything happens for a reason. Do I think God approves of everything, NO, but there are events preceding up to or events to follow that I do believe God has a hand in. This discussion can be saved for another blog.

I'll end with this....God, thank you for waking me up early this morning. I have enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside, some warm cups of coffee, great readings and an opportunity to improve our walk, not run, together. Help me to be constantly reminded we are friends.

Keep it in the fairway!!!


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