Monday, March 15, 2010

"Parable of the sower"

Upon the recommendation of a friend, I'm currently reading a book titled "crazy love" by Francis Chan. This is a really cool book and it is the first book I have ever read that challenges even the lukewarm Christian to evaluate their personal relationship with God. Chan makes you feel uncomfortable about your level of commitment to your faith and this is good. One of the many suggestions in his book, is Chan suggests that Jesus spoke in parables in order to weed out those who were not geniunely listening to him. Chan suggests Jesus was not interested in those who were faking it. This is hardcore, but a very interesting perspective on Jesus and his parables. One example for me is the parable of the sower.

Matthew 13:10-23 is one account of this parable. I have probably heard or read this parable over 100 times in my life. But, it was not until just within the last 4 months that I read it and the story really meant something to me. I was not faking it, I was genuinely listening and trying to get something out of the story.

I do not have to share all the details. However, I would like to suggest after reading this post you consider going back and reading this parable again and think about what your reading. We have the seed on the path, rocky places, thorns and the rich soil.

I love what Chan says - "Do not assume you are good soil"'. Chan says he thinks most American churchgoers are the soil that chokes the seed because of all the thorns. Thorns are anything that distracts us from God. Let me say that again ANYTHING THAT DISTRACTS US FROM GOD. Yes, that could be UK basketball (Ha Ha), addiction, envy, power, greed, too many commitments (the list can go on forever).

What soil is your faith living in today? At different periods of my life I have lived in each one of the places Jesus speaks about. The good news is I finally found the rich soil. Now I just need to pray the seeds blossum. Chan has me questioning today whether my level of faith in God is adequate enough. Quite possibly I'm just a lukewarm Christian that has some thorns in my life that I need to weed out.

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