Sunday, March 21, 2010

Time Heals All Wounds

Much of my life, especially during my formidable years, I relied heavily on this old saying. So much so that my method of operation was to bury wounds feelings deep inside my heart, build a fortress around me and rather than address these wounds I figured if I buried them long enough, time would eventually heal them or I would forget about them.

It took up until almost the age of 40 before I realized I was carrying a bunch of baggage and junk from my past that was only making my life more difficult. Instead of these wounds beginning to heal with time they were spreading to other areas of my body, resulting into some life threatening habits and problems.

I wish I could tell you I just woke up one day, voluntarily, and said today is the day I'm going to address these wounds, stop hurting myself and others and turn my life and my will over to the care of God. That is not my story. The truth is I'm a very slow learner and I had to experience and cause a lot of pain before I was willing to seek help and more important became willing to change. I'll continue to talk more about this and hopefully hearing more of my story might help someone with their buried heart wounds.

I was reading a scripture this week and it come from Matthew, "Happy are those who greatest desire is to do what God requires." (Matthew 5:6).

Simply enough, right? I wish I could say this is my greatest desire all the time, but it is not. Had it been 30 years ago and carried over from my youth into adulthood I'm sure I would not be sitting here blogging and you would not be reading this blog.

That, for me, is the most awesome thing that God does. He gives us the freedom of choice, he allows us to take our own individual journey and the most magnificant thing of all is that he loves us just as much as when we were living in the chaos as today when we are living in the sunlight of the spirit. His grace is amazing!

So, does "time heal all wounds"? I don't think so. My experience tells me that wounds must be addressed and that there must be a lot of forgiveness given to others for those lifelong wounds to begin to heal.

What wounds are you carrying on your shoulders or in your heart today?

Are you carrying a resentment that is over 20 or 30 years old?

Have you thought about turning these over to God and allowing him to carry your burdens?

I need to be reminded every single day that I have a loving, compassionate, forgiving God in my life that is happy to carry some of the burden for me.

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