Monday, April 5, 2010

The Empty Tomb

I have a difficult time believing everything I read in the Bible and everything I have been told by mentors and ministers and I know "the rest of the story". So, when Thomas says "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28) and Jesus replys "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed". (John 20:29) It gives me excitement in my journey to know the tomb is empty. The God I believe in is alive and well and is showing himself to me everyday.

I felt the presense of God was at my office today. There was a client of the bank that stopped by to say hello. This man is around 57 years old and was diagnosed less than 30 days ago with brain cancer. He has completed 15 of his 30 chemo treatments and said he feels like shit. But, he had his usual "big" smile on his face and he shared with me that he is going to fight this to the bitter end, but he is also okay if his last day is today. He said he has enjoyed the journey. He said Chris you know I'm a realist and I know my days are numbered, but he said there are very things I would change. He was almost moved to tears (I was holding them back myself) talking about his faith, family and all the friends that have stepped up to spend time with him over the last 30 days. His positive attitude was infectious. Here is a guy that is walking around 1/2 dead and he still is just happy to be here.

I shared with him that he made my day stopping by and all he could say was how much he appreciated me taking time out of my busy day to talk with him. INCREDIBLE.

There is not much I can say to add to my experience today. There are no such things as consequences. Today was a perfect example of that. Thank God for the empty tomb!!

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