Saturday, August 21, 2010

Launch Angles

I was sitting at one of my daughter 's volleyball matches this week and two fathers were talking about their golf games and "launch angles". Both were thinking they might need to change their shafts in their clubs in order to improve their launch angles. The big buzz word today by pro golfers, and anyone that desires to hit 300 yard drives, is launch angles. "Well Peter my launch angle with the driver was off today and therefore I had a little difficulty finding the fairway". I did not hear him say this but sounds a lot like something Phil Mickelson would have said after the PGA Championship in 2009.

I wander if either one of these father's have given much thought to their faith launch angle lately? What is our individual faith launch angles? Are we vertically challengng ourselves daily? Are we taking a low launch angle view on life and just trying to roll down the fairway instead of soaring high above?

I read this morning that "It is only the earth-bound spirit that cannot soar. Loosen the strands that ties you to the earth and rise above earthly things. Clipped wings can grow again".

This encourages me today to be reminded that we all have our short comings and have fallen short of God's expectations at different times in our life, but clipped wings will grow back and rather than dwell on our mistakes in the past - focus on today and thank God we have a compassionate God full of grace and forgiveness.

Begin today the contruction of a new found self-repsect for yourself and keep in mind we ran a race, we stumbled and fell and scratched our knees, but beginning today we can now press on toward the goal of a better life. A life with a new launch angle - soaring high above where we used to live.

Keep it in the fairway,


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this thought, Chris! Brings new meaning to the idea of "Aim high." We must remember that God created us to soar. We weren't made to be worm-burners! We were made to fly. You have inspired me for the week ahead. Thank you!
