Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who is God?

I was taught very young that church was an important part of life. I knew this from how my Mom lived her life and the fact that we were at church, it seemed, every time the doors were opened. My Grandfather was a minister and to me he was larger than life when he preached. I'm not sure I really understood who God was, but I had this concept that God was a man that lived above the clouds and not only did he watch everything I did, but he would also punish me if I did anything wrong. This concept of God stayed with me for a long time.

Once I began to make poor life choices I became ashamed off myself and felt like there was no way God was ever going to forgive me. This shame caused me later in life to turn my back on God. I kept going to church and occasonally I threw up fox hole prayers like God please help me and I promise I will make better decisions. My spiritual life went into some very dark places to the point where I had completely given up on ever having a personal relationship with God. See I still had that childhood concept that God was a punishing God and I had not experienced God's grace.

Today, because I have sincerely asked God for forgiveness of my sins and turned my life and will over to God he has revealed himself to me as a loving and perfect father. He cares for me like no other person on Earth and instead of being just a man that lives above the clouds I now see that God is in everything and walks with me daily.

When we come to understand God properly, as a heavenly father, and begin to depend on God more He draws closer to us and we draw closer to Him. God, thank you for loving me during my dark spiritual years and never giving up on me as one of your children.

Keep it in the fairway.

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